воскресенье, 18 октября 2009 г.

Первый блин...

Итак, да-да-да! Будет что-то новенькое!

Блог этот задуман и заведён не для стенаний на тему личной жизни и суетности бытия, а для раздумий и развития (меня в первую очередь) в нескольких интересующих меня направлениях. Заранее их все я оглашать не буду, чтобы не оказаться в рамках заявленного формата, но среди них наверняка будут математика, музыка, литература и кулинария.

Любые комментарии (в том числе конструктивная критика) приветствуются!

2 комментария:

  1. Hello! I was driven to leave a comment here by the ridiculously happy feeling I had when I discovered that I could understand almost everything in your posts :) (in comparison to the average of 50% I understand from an article on Lenta.ru whenever one of my Moldovan friends leaves his laptop open at that page while cooking in the kitchen).

    I found it somewhat coincidental that you decided to open a new blog about living life in a more meaningful manner this very week. You see, since the winter holidays last year when I decided that university life should be about more than just studying mathematics and physics, I envied Nika so much for leading such an active and meaningful life - especially his involvement with teaching children - and I kept wishing that I, too, could interact with mathematically-talented children on a regular basis. Then just last month another MIT student asked me if I would be interested in helping out with a mathematics club for middle and high school girls which I had heard a bit about before but never quite bothered to find out details about (mainly because I'm still not convinced that girls teaching girls alone is the best way to organise a mathematics club), and I thought to myself, "Charmaine, you're being so silly. Does it matter if it's a club only for girls if you get the opportunity to teach mathematics to talented students anyway?" So I got involved with the club (I just went to my first club meeting on Thursday), and it's just so satisfying to actually be doing something instead of just wishing that I could. I believe you'll also derive a lot of satisfaction from the active - and that's the most important word - activities that you'll discuss in this blog. :)

    Are you working on applications/formalities for post-graduate study now? Not sure what the timeline is like for students in Russia... By the way, still waiting for an e-mail reply. ;) (I always feel bad to write a few consecutive e-mails if I don't receive a response, which is the reason for all this prodding...sorry... *blush*)

  2. You know, it's the world's crisis finish. It's like spring now: people leave their frozen shells and get more flexibility in their views. I'm glad that you find such oppurtunity to teach talented students. I believe that's litmus for reaching the "next level". Now you can affect views on math in future and it will be a part of you trace in math.
    About postgraduating I'll write in the answer ;)
